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paula patton baby

paula patton baby. ago because Paula Patton
  • ago because Paula Patton

  • bendejo
    Aug 4, 12:30 PM
    I'm waiting for the Core 2 processors to come out as well. I'm finally replacing my 664MHz P-III (you read that right) that I surf the web with at home. Got my better half to agree to an upgrade, and almost pulled the trigger about 3 weeks ago, but thought I'd wait for the Core 2 Duo iMac to be introduced. That should mean cheaper Core Duo iMacs for me...

    I'm in the same boat (but upgrading from a 867MHz TiBook). I figure if there's no iMac introduced, I pull the trigger on getting a refurb iMac core duo. Same thing if there's a new iMac with minor improvements. I'm thinking that for my home office work that I am going to be using this for (heavy on managing large PDFs and Word files and needing Windows for some VPN stuff with an office database that won't work on Mac, but no graphic design stuff) a Merom core 2 duo would be nice but not necessarily worth the extra money. I figure I might as well wait though because (a) if there's a new iMac then the refurb price on the core duo will probably drop a little; and (b) though the chances are small, there may be a revamping of the entire Mac line, including the iMac, that would make me smack myself on the forehead for not waiting a week or 2.

    paula patton baby. robin thicke paula patton
  • robin thicke paula patton

  • macaddict06
    Jul 21, 03:00 PM
    Noo...! My MacBook is out of date before its even arrived :eek:!!!!!!

    Well, no it's not.
    1) it is just as fast now as it will be when you get it (read: speed won't decline)
    2) As a computer owner, you know something better is coming. It's just like buying a car - buy for what you need now, worry about upgrading when the time comes
    3) The MacBook won't see an upgrade for a few months - maybe a speed bump in September, but otherwise, I wouldn't expect Core2Duo in it by maybe December or MWSF '07. Till then, your MB will be perfectly fine.

    paula patton baby. paula patton baby boy. paula
  • paula patton baby boy. paula

  • Scottgfx
    May 6, 01:14 AM
    And putting ARM as a secondary processor so that Macs can run iOS apps? There's absolutely no need...

    Trying to graft an ARM processor into an Intel based system seems like a lot of added complexity. Apple doesn't like making things more complicated. Think of how simple and small the logic board is in the iPad.

    A ton of design decisions... How do the ARM chip and Intel chip share memory? Do we instead give each separate memory pools? Communication between the two chips... at what cost to performance? Who gets control of the display at what times? I very seriously doubt that a hybrid system will transpire unless Apple has developed some "secret sauce" for dealing with this problem.

    Do these two architectures even use memory in the same way?

    paula patton baby. Paula Patton welcome their
  • Paula Patton welcome their

  • Full of Win
    Apr 21, 02:49 PM
    I've got cash money if they get around to upgrading this.

    Personally I'd like for them to keep the same manly size they have now and add a smaller "headless iMac" (or whatever you want to call it) to the line. However, market direction of Apple means we will be lucky if they keep the MacPro line.

    paula patton baby. Paula Patton and Robin Thicke
  • Paula Patton and Robin Thicke

  • jholzner
    Aug 11, 09:48 AM
    Wait a second...if they release it in Paris, won't it no longer qualify for the free ipod?!? :(

    It still will qualify. The promo runs through the 16th of September and the Expo ends on the 16th. You'll just have to order it ASAP once it's announced.

    paula patton baby. paula patton baby pictures.
  • paula patton baby pictures.

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 30, 07:37 PM
    I have Verizon, my wife T-Mobile. T-Mobile works fine in New York City, and so does Verizon. Especially in the past year Verizon has spent literally a fortune improving their reception, so that dead spots are much fewer than they used to be. I believe this is why they ignore "cool" phones, they are going for reliability with companies who buy in bulk for their employees, not really for consumers - go to a Verizon store if you want to be convinced they don't really care about the common man -

    but what I am trying to say is, that I disagree about reception of Verizon: it's very good, and especially so outside of the major business cities like NYC and Washington. My wife's T-Mobile often is out of range when we travel, and we have to use my Verizon phone.

    That said, Verizon rarely, with the exception of the recent Treo 700p, gets the really cool phones, so will probably bypass Apple as well.

    I do agree that Verizon does not care about the layman, but I never get very good service here in Denver or if I visit my sisters in the bay area. I don't know why, but I just never get three bars or above usually at my house. Whenever I go to NYC, I spend most, if not all my time in Times Square and it just seems to constantly go in and out. I think T-Mobile is actually the best choice when it comes to international travel. Sprint is $1.50/min. and didn't even work in Rome, T-Mobile is $.99/min., and let's not even think about VZW's plans. T-Mobile worked for me from Here to LAX to TPE to SIN to KUL to even REP. Besides, they have a better minutes/dollar ratio than any of the other three major carriers and the coverage checker I checked works in every city I visit normally which are NYC, the Lamorinda Area, Vail, Boston, Denver (my home), and of course, everywhere else in the world.

    paula patton baby. Precious actress Paula Patton
  • Precious actress Paula Patton

  • longofest
    Sep 15, 04:24 PM
    So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?

    see for yourself


    paula patton baby. robinthickeandpaulapatton
  • robinthickeandpaulapatton

  • ChazUK
    Apr 18, 03:35 PM
    I'm reading that this includes the Nexus S (which has no samsung touchwiz "optimisations" at all).

    Why doesn't Apple simply go for the jugular and hit Google with an Android lawsuit?

    paula patton baby. robin thicke and paula patton
  • robin thicke and paula patton

  • Tomorrow
    May 3, 09:02 PM
    Semantics. Your argument boils down to the pain of change.

    The cost of change. There's a difference.

    Again, the real crux of your argument is that people are 'comfortable' with what they already know.

    No, once again, it's not about comfort; it's about experience. I learned mostly SI units when I was in college, I'm quite comfortable with using those units - but the industry doesn't use those units. I learned, and became an expert in, the units used by the industry. You would ask millions of engineers, technicians, etc. to throw away years or even decades of experience simply to change a system that isn't broken.

    Yes, it's a system that has its roots in the past, but the system still works. There's no compelling reason to change it. There's no efficiency to be gained.

    paula patton baby. star Paula Patton showed
  • star Paula Patton showed

  • 7on
    Nov 27, 02:32 PM
    I would sell my Macbook in an instant to buy a MacTablet.

    It'd be the perfect tool for Illustrators and CG artists.

    paula patton baby. Paula Patton,
  • Paula Patton,

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 28, 03:55 PM
    Does this mean I shouldn't bother installing Sophos for my mpb?
    So many conflicting opinions.
    Read this, then decide for yourself: Mac Virus/Malware Info (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=9400648&postcount=4)

    paula patton baby. paula patton baby boy
  • paula patton baby boy

  • linuxcooldude
    Apr 22, 01:41 PM
    Half of their profit comes from the sale of one device. Say that the iPhone 6 was a flop, imagine having to tell your investors you're losing 50% projected profit nearly overnight.

    I would not think it would be fair comparing cell phones to computers as their designed for much different markets. As more adults own cell phones then computers you would expect higher profits off of it. Apple was doing quite well even before they entered the phone market.

    A more realistic comparison would be phone to phone or computer to computer.

    paula patton baby. Paula Patton Pick Baby#39;s
  • Paula Patton Pick Baby#39;s

  • Frobozz
    May 4, 03:34 PM
    What I don't understand is even if it's distributed through the Mac App Store, does Apple expect us to burn it on dvd or make a bootable usb?

    I don't know if every mac user will even be able to do that, this may work for those looking to upgrade, but a fresh install will require dvd/usb..

    This problem has been solved by the digital download business for years. Since every Mac, with the exception of the MB Air, comes with a standard superdrive, the consumer could burn their own copy for emergencies. Alternatively, there is usually a small fee to be sent a physical disc from the software provider.

    While everyone has wildly different experiences with this-- I personally have not needed a Mac install DVD for an re-install / emergency in over 6 years.

    paula patton baby. Robin Thicke amp; Paula Patton
  • Robin Thicke amp; Paula Patton

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 01:59 PM
    This is easy to see

    MobilMe Becomes Free

    MobilMe gets laden with 1Ads

    All part of the Apple strategy

    I would be happy to keep paying $99/year for adfree Mobilme

    What exact strategy is this? People are confusing what Google, Yahoo or Microsoft would do versus Apple. Consumer are so encumbered with the concept that free means advertising they cannot see any other way. We've used iTunes for free since it's inception with nary an ad that didn't focus on media.

    I dun know if MobileMe is going free or not but I doubt Apple has much interest in advertising beyond the App Store.

    paula patton baby. robin thicke paula patton
  • robin thicke paula patton

  • progx
    Mar 30, 06:16 AM
    Hmm. This seems like a pass for me. I'll wait for Apple's offerings through MobileMe this year because I'll have the iPhone 4 or 5 on Verizon by the end of the year.

    Then I can punt my piece of s*** Droid X to the curb. No more battery pulls and video that'll play NATIVELY ON THE DEVICE THAT RECORDED IT! Yes, the Droid X can't play it's own video back. Motorola's Droids Don't Do JACK.

    Amazon's new service will be good, but just like its video streaming options, just a little too expensive. I'm sure it will be a great service for the Droids and the price will eventually go down. Maybe they should look into a data farm.

    paula patton baby. Precious star Paula Patton
  • Precious star Paula Patton

  • azilnik
    Aug 2, 10:22 PM
    Nope. The entire line will be Core 2 Duo by Thanksgiving. MBP will get speed bump to 2.33GHz for further differentiation while MB will remain 2GHz. No logic to keep buying Core Duo processors for the same money as Core 2 or less than they bought Yonah to begin with. They are already making record profits. I doubt they will deliberately cripple mini, iMac and MB when everything is selling like hot cakes anyway. There are plenty of other ways each line differentiates from the other. To leave any line in Core Duo would be outright greedy and I dont' see Apple as having that personality trait.

    I fugure it's a 50-50 chance Steve tells the developers next week they can start thinking about 64-bit optimization due to the Core 2 shift that will be complete this year.
    Interesting. I see your point and quite frankly I agree, I do however believe that Apple will announce it because the chips are definately out and running, Apple wants to stay ABOVE cutting edge, so why wouldn't they announce the chips?

    paula patton baby. Paula Patton as Billie Holiday
  • Paula Patton as Billie Holiday

  • extraextra
    Sep 15, 04:49 PM
    Please don't mess with the keyboard. The Macbook keyboard wouldn't suit the Macbook Pro.

    Agreed. It's a nice keyboard, but the Macbook keyboard wouldn't look nice in the MBP at all.

    I'm thinking it's just going to be a processor upgrade. Maybe larger HD capacities and a magnetic latch if we're lucky.

    paula patton baby. “Paula Patton and Robin Thicke
  • “Paula Patton and Robin Thicke

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 03:53 PM
    And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

    Who said in another room? Sure if you want to operate it as a remote server, but workstations can very much benefit from being rack mountable.

    I have a friend that shoots stills while being tethered to his Mac Pro. It is on a rolling standard rackmount cart but takes up a huge amount of space on it because it is too tall to lay on its side.

    When he's done he rolls the cart into his edit room.

    I know of other people who use Mac Pro on film shoots to offload video files from cameras and make backups, on the set. They arrive with carts and roll them around as needed. They say the same thing, "I wish it was rackmountable".

    paula patton baby. Is Paula Patton#39;s Oscar Dress
  • Is Paula Patton#39;s Oscar Dress

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 09:16 AM
    As for the math, the equation is ambiguous. Another set of parentheses would help.

    It's ambiguous in the same way 1 + 1 = ?? is ambiguous.

    (the answer could be 2, or 10, or plenty of other answers if you make different assumptions other than what is stated in the unknown equation)

    Apr 11, 08:28 AM
    If someone in my group had sent me a quick email with this equation I would expect to see-

    (48/2)(9+3) or 48/[2(9+3)]

    This is even more important when the equations I was using were a lot more complex!

    Step back a bit. Someone in your group would actually send you an expression that was full of constant numbers rather than reducing that to the answer?

    As s a physicist by training I hate it when the meaning is bled out of an expression, by rote plugging in of numbers. Engineers love to do this kind of thing and take a perfectly nice equation, lump a bunch of stuff together and take a few implied logs for good measure and think it still has meaning. :p

    I'd expect anyone who knows what they are doing to send something like x/y(a+b) rather than 48/2(9+3). Preferably with an extra pair of parens/brackets to improve clarity. Or send you TeX $\frac{x}{y}(a+b)$ or even code if this was a numerical exercise. This would assist in your sanity checking if, for example, you saw that x was a distance, y was a time and a and b were also times and you knew the expected answer was a distance you'd know that (x/y)*(a+b) was meant. If you were looking for acceleration you might go back to the author and ask, "did you mean (x/[y*(a+b)])?" instead of taking the original expression at its face value.

    In the absence of context and any other information the answer is 288.


    Nov 26, 04:17 PM
    Too many buttons - if there were any more I'd think it was a Microsoft product. :D ;)

    Apr 7, 01:00 PM
    it was a joke in reference to your snarky comment relax.

    Hey bro look on the bright side atleast we have bing now on appstore!

    Thanks for the good news pal:) Ha ha!

    PS: and this is my last rant on the subject...the 1199 vs 1799 is a big diference, no question... but that isnt attributable to a discrete GPU. Youre talking a larger footprint (more alum/mobo/battery/etc), bigger display with higher res, CPU bump, and HDD. All Im saying is that at 1199, Apple should bless it's entire MBP line with discrete GPU's (didnt say it had to be a 430m with 2GB of VRAM)...save the integrated for MBA/MB

    Have a great afternoon!

    Sep 11, 10:21 AM
    I bought the new Bob Dylan album a few days a go from the iTunes store. It comes with some bonus tracks that are videos of some older songs. I was listeningto the album yesterday, streaming the audio to the Airport Express connected to my stereo.

    After it played the last song on the album, when it got to the videos, all of a sudden itunes stopped streaming the data to my AE, and started playing thru the PB speakers. I certainly didnt expect it to do that, but it did make me wonder:

    Are we about to see a new piece of tech that will allow those videos to stream as well as the audio?

    Aug 11, 09:36 PM
    well, i know there was some marginal increase in processing speed but i'm talking about actually running 64bit programs. i thought you need alot more horsepower to run 64bit programs than whats currently offered... maybe i was just tired and totally misread an article a couple of weeks ago.

    Actually, no. Remember, 64-bit is only new to the consumer stuff. I've been running 64-bit UNIX applications for over 8 years. 64-bit UNIX has been around even longer than that. It's not a matter of "horsepower" (by today's standards, a 167MHz UltraSPARC I is kinda slow...), but of the usefulness of a 64-bit address space, not only for real memory, but for virtual. As well as higher precision, etc. (Assuming the CPU is true 64-bit and not limited by a smaller external address bus.)

    Hmmm... There's actually a good entry on it in Wikipedia:


    That might help you some more.

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