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  • arrarrgee
    07-16 10:37 AM

    I plan to send this petition to all senior executives of Time Warner Inc by Priority Mail and Fax. CNN is a fully owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.


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  • Raji
    07-17 08:23 PM
    As you are aware there is alot going on right now. The administration is talking about CIR.
    Lots of bills with small provisions get talked up or introduced. In fact that happens every year if you look back. We keep an eye on what's moving and where the effort is needed. We do not want to waste our resources and effort if something may end up simply being a placeholder or a position statement.
    In a nutshell, there will be fax campaign when we are advised (by lawmakers, lobbyists and friendly advocacy groups among others) and we determine that it is needed and will be effective.

    Thanks for the response Paskal. However I still do not underststand why IV is not encouraging everyone to send faxes and register their support via the AILA site. As I have understood AILA has been a leader in this effort for immigration {see July 2007}. If you are trying to say that the interests of AILA and IV are not exactly the same - that is to be expected - no 2 organizations can ever be the same - BUT - surely we can come together to form and pursue some strategic interests. I see that with regard to these bills IV and AILA interests meet. Further if readers @ IV send messages via AILA Action Alert then IV resources can be saved to follow the path that you have described above.

    Finally, the bill may be a placeholder or position statement, but in the end we need to demonstrate the numbers - highlighting this bill may eventually lead to some worthwhile convergence in the CIR - I think no opportunity need be lost in this process and the more we highlight our position and condition the more visibility we get.



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  • caliguy
    10-28 08:16 PM
    @ ndialani - Got your pvt. message. I will email you the letter to USCIS sec. Napolatino and the name of the IO at TSC.

    It's good to see that a lot of people who are not even current are proactively working on their cases and getting everything ready.

    Good luck!

    Hi Caliguy,
    My case is stuck in Texas service center.
    Opened SR on 9/8...reply....6 months wait
    My spouse SR 9/8....reply....60 days wait
    Filled #7001 form
    Emailed to Ombudsman...no answer yet.
    How can i reach IO .....help me out ....please

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  • pthoko
    06-19 12:45 AM
    IMG is very good but they dont cover pre existing conditionsl.

    What do you mean by IMG is very good?? Could you please elaborate??



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  • Jennifer Aniston.

  • gconmymind
    11-06 12:38 AM
    Like I said, I did not catch the whole speech, but from what I heard, he was not talking completely against it, he mentioned that businesses need more H1B's and should be able to hire foreign talent.

    He was mainly against abuse by big consulting firms (he gave out a statistic that 20K of the H1B went for 8 or 9 of the top consulting firms or something like that).

    At least there is something happening..... we have only two weeks....... this may be our only chance this year to attach anything EB
    Please follow all the different threads/news on this forum about Durbin and Grassley bills. There is nothing good there for H1B or EB visa provisions. Nothing good comes out of that, neither for employees (prospective or current) nor for employers...my 2 cents...

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  • Jennifer Aniston

  • whitecollarslave
    01-30 08:54 PM
    Keep the votes coming !!

    Just click on Most Popular. The two questions are #25 and #32 @ 9:02 PM. Lets bring these to top 10.

    Here are the questions again -

    This question is NOT about Illegal immigration but Legal Immigration issues at the govt. level... What do you think of and plan to do about the broken naturalization process that is currently hurting nearly half million highly-skilled and taxpaying legal immigrants already working productively in the United States who find themselves trapped in a system that is taking years longer than intended. The greatest impact of the broken green card process is borne by the legal immigrants and their families. Some of the major grievances faced by the legal immigrants are that they are forced to be stuck with the same employer for years; their spouses not allowed to work, they have a very limited travel freedom and so on. With the current backlog in the system a highly skilled high-tech engineer could take up to 7-10 years to get a green card. Isn't that an unfair deal for a person who works so hard to fulfill his American dream? Again: This question is NOT about Illegal immigration but Legal Immigration issues at the govt. level...

    Illegal immigration has been a topic of heated debate and has received much needed attention during this election. In the midst of all the hype and bickering about ILLEGAL immigration, there is a group of people, often forgotten and ignored, who are caught up in a bureaucratic mess and yet are patiently waiting on the path to LEGAL immigration. This is a group of high skilled workers, most of whom have advanced degrees in medicine, engineering and science from Universities in the US. These people have obeyed all laws, worked hard, paid taxes and waited their turn, many for a decade, because of a system that is hopelessly broken and inefficient. I am one of these people and I have been in the US legally for 10 years and still years away from getting a green card. As the President of the United States how do you intend to address the problems faced by future Americans already living and working LEGALLY in the United States? Please note, this question is NOT about ILLEGAL immigration but about LEGAL immigration.

    Here is the link to vote -



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  • Alabaman
    09-13 01:24 PM
    We all know this, but anyway I agree that this is our only hope.

    I am willing to visit DC if I can help out in any way.

    Looks like we can't expect only the core members to keep working.


    Yeah but the core members need to let us know where they are and what they are doing and then give directions as appropriate. This would prevent individual uncoordinated actions that might impede their on going moves... otherwise this forum would just be a mere venting platform and the message would not get out there.

    2010 Jennifer Aniston jennifer aniston 90s. Another split for Aniston
  • Another split for Aniston

  • RNGC
    12-09 03:11 PM
    Should we send at least 100 emails via change.gov to Mr. Obama's team on Legal Immigration?


    Can anyone draft a sample email explaining our concerns?

    sending a email right now....

    this should be a action item....Instead of canned template, each one of us should write our story...do mention the bills by Joe Lofgren...


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  • Jennifer Aniston Shot Topless

  • my2cents
    11-10 03:33 PM
    That was a great one jthomas. 100% agree.
    Have decided to dump my H1 for good and start EAD on my new AC21 job soon.

    getting job on EAD is much easier than h1b sponrsorship. AC-21 law was created to protect employee because of processing time taken by INS at that time.
    At that time, USCIS ( former INS ) was taking probably more than 1 year.
    By law, you can safely jump on 181 days and a lot of people are thinking of that for whatever reason. But my take will be that you should not jump on new job if
    - If you are relatively stable in ur job and compensated ok.
    - ur PD is very old (2001-02) because you case may be close to adjustication.
    - You may have greater challange keeping ur new job if economy went south

    if you get laid off from a job then it is much better to get a job on EAD rather than H1b. Probably underlying intention was AC-21 to protect alien in case he gets laid off. I know a lot of people take taken advantage of AC-21 and it is good.
    BUT final regulation has not been published and USCIS final rule of AC-21 may be severely restircted in final rule (especially with July VB fiasco)

    just my 2 cents

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  • asanghi
    01-30 05:42 PM
    I voted for both questions.

    BTW Sen. McCain is now front runner in GOP for presidential candidate. Even though he backed out of immigration reform, I consider him our friend and also a person of integrity. I am glad to see him emerge as front runner. On the other hand Tom Tancredo figured nowhere, even when immigration was still hot issue. That should be enough for our friends in NumbersUSA & ALIPAC to see where they stand in terms of public support for their issues.


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  • hair: Jennifer Aniston

  • StuckInTheMuck
    04-28 12:28 PM
    Just a note( i am not trying to deter anybody or argue against your compilation) that by law all foreigners are required to carry their passport, how many of us follow that, on that note, I will not carry original with me at all. just my 0.02 cents.

    True, we do not carry passports every time we step out of our house (for example, when going to pick up Bud Lite from my neighboring grocery store). But I would think that passports, unlike the PR card, are not designed to be tucked into your wallet for carrying around. Also, for PR cards the always-carry-it-on-your-person law is explicitly stated (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=fe17e6b0eb13d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=4f719c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD), whereas, stray cases notwithstanding (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16736), I am not aware of a similar law for passports (except maybe when you do not have your usual ID, such as DL).

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  • waitingGC
    01-31 10:20 AM
    1. I was wondering how this rule would affect people like me. My labor has been approved and its been about 50 days. I will be applying for I-140 this week. Will this 45-day rule affect me?

    2. If what is stated in immigrationportal about the labor substitution is true, then we don't have any real benefit from the this rule, because all labors certified before the implementation of this rule are not bound by the 45-days time constraint?!? All the so called desi companies may not sell the labors, but would not spend money to cancel it either. So those old labors are going waste as they are still active.

    The cut-off date is determined by #485, not LC.


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  • KanME
    07-19 10:26 AM
    First of all, there is no typo, never he will say something not real.
    Come on, it's not you and me stood up, spent personal time, sacrificed so much.

    If you can not contribute for obvious reasons, no one is demanding you. I hope and sincerely wish that 'Aman' doesn't have to sell his house.
    It's heart breaking to see such statements

    Please dont post your own interpretation of the post that you read here..
    I never suggested nor can even think that Aman would say something untrue..do you know the defination of "typo"..its a error in typing on the part of the writer not the subject fyi..

    Please dont take text out of context...

    Why have we started jumping at each other ! Can some members learn to show some tolerence and understand the context of the posts before joining the bandwagon of criticising.

    but I am glad that because of the initial poster's message we came to know from Pappu about Aman's selfless act and what he has done for the organisation..Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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  • Rachel a.k.a Jennifer herself!

  • ilikekilo
    05-24 08:54 PM
    THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE. bumping up

    somneone in the core team mentioned once h1b is a necessity and green card is a luxury...thats true.


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  • pd_recapturing
    03-26 09:45 PM
    I am seeing only ppl who have applied in NSC are getting LUDs. TSC ppl r not seeing any activity online. Is there anything wrong with TSC online system?

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 09:40 AM
    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing the administrative costs of IV.


    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    You are an inspiration to all of us in the IV community.
    You are selfless and humble and these are amongst the most noble qualities a leader can have.


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  • garybanz
    01-31 08:27 AM
    I just voted, it's question 84 today at 7:40 am

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    02-13 05:26 PM
    As mentioned In Logiclifes first post in this forum,
    Organizations who have Millions of dollar In budget for pushing and lobbying their Issues failed also for whatever reason ( He did not mention reasons ).
    Does that mean that having a fat budget does not Impact the outcome ?
    What It proves Is Its really the Politics, election, People's focus on the Issue which matters and NOT the lobbying with big fat budget.
    And If its the case then our issue will be taken care of on its own merit when all above factors are in our favour, regardless of lobbying.

    Just a thought, I hope I am not upsetting the general trend of praising efforts.

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  • Jennifer Aniston

  • pansworld
    12-02 01:01 AM
    I do not intend to question IV and its members who are pretty diligent about things, are entirely trustworthy and neither have they given us any reason to think otherwise. IMHO the monthly thing does not work. Some people cannot afford monthly payments due to other commitments (some are less fortunate than others). They may opt for one time payments rather than monthly payments.

    I think what we need is target oriented funding drives. For example:

    What are the objectives for the lobbying effort this year and consequently how much money do we need for lobbying efforts? $100,000, $200,000 or $500,000

    By putting collection targets up front we can direct our energies towards that target. I know that every cent counts and every dollar will be beneficial. But if we don't know and don't communicate what our target is we can never focus on the goal. A monetary target for a clear objective is something many people can relate to and a one time payment is more attractive than monthly payments.


    10-12 05:17 PM
    or may be a virus attack ... too coincidental to have sent notice on same day ...

    my 1.9 cents ...
    Not really.

    It is a learning phase for everyone here at IV...

    Before this issue was raised no one had heard about it....but now after 50 replies and 6000 views ..we have more insights regarding USCIS procedure...

    I would encourage everyone to create induvidual portfolio on USCIS website and make sure you add every receipt you have ever received and set email update on the same that way you are aware of happenings on your case.

    The way USCIS works, the benificiary is usually kept in the dark unless information is needed from the benificiary.

    Live and learn...

    02-05 04:43 PM
    On a personal level, it might be helpful to you, however there are others here who want to --start their own company, change employers, go back to school and over and above all be able breathe without feeling suffocated by the system, and reap benefits of the multiple contributions they have made, for, so many years, to the american society.

    Hello everyone,

    I was just thinking about this the past couple of months and maybe we dont even need to ask for Green cards. MAYBE our approach should be "Let the H4s work". Once husband and wife can both work, the green card can take its time. Right now the Biggest problem with most people is that "my spouse cannot work!". Maybe if we lobby for h4s to be eligible to work that may solve the problem.

    Now before this suggestion creates a HUGE "Dhoom", this is JUST a suggestion. The current political climate does not look like it is going to be easy in any way to put any provisions for Green card increases. Besides if the logic is "Let temporary workers be temporary", this approach fits in with that logic, coz we are not asking for GCs (permanent residency), just more temporary EADs.

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