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miley cyrus smoking salvia bong

miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia
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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 18, 03:40 PM
    The iPhone 1 was announced before the Prada phone. Patent dates showed iPhone implementation of a capacitive touchscreen phone at least a year before LG showed their Prada phone in 2006. The Prada shipped in small shipments before the iPhone, so that is their only claim that it was technically released before the iPhone even though real shipments occurred months later. Technically, if Apple wanted to, they could have sued LG.

    Also, the Prada isn't a smartphone. It can't load apps. It doesn't even have a qwerty keyboard. You input text through the phone dialer like old school SMS.

    Irrelevant argument from a "look and feel" standpoint as NOBODY outside of Apple knew what the iPhone looked like.
    So either the design was logical or LG was frikkin clairvoyant and could see into the future.

    The patent filings are moot.
    Loading apps are moot as the original iPhone didn't permit that either.
    The virtual qwerty keyboard existed before the iPhone as well.

    Seriously do 10 seconds of research before posting.
    What Apple did was made a phone that contained a lot of EXISTING technology and wrapped it into a single package.
    And did a good job doing it too.

    Show me something that works as well BEFORE Apple demoed the iPhone.

    Technology =/= usability.

    Irrelevant. Most of the tech in the iPhone predates it.

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Labels Bong
  • Miley Cyrus Labels Bong

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 05:03 AM
    It is more conceivable that it would have a Blu-Ray ROM drive in a mobile, which would also help in starting the downward trend in price of the blue laser diodes. And basically, it seems more useful to have the ability to play blu-ray movies than burn a 25GB disc at that price and speed. Personally, of course, I don't see the Blu-ray thing happening this update but I do think that Apple wants to be a leader in this regard.

    The DVD-burning SuperDrive was always something that Apple touted as being ahead-of-the-curve when introing it in the PowerMacs - of course, it took them a while to integrate it into the Titaniums in a slot-load config. So yeah, thinking aloud here, but it ain't gonna happen until the Mac Pros start (at the very least) having a BTO option of a Blu-Ray ROM (but more likely a burner).What about the inclusion/release of Blu-Ray Drives?Why would they put Blu-Ray drives in? And where would they get them from? Sony just moved the release of PS3 in Europe to March '07 duo to lack of sufficient Blu Ray readers.Since Fry's is already selling Sony ATAPI Blu-ray burners for $750, why doesn't Apple see the selling opportunity as an offering on the Mac Pro BTO page? They dont even offer a $120 Plextor SATA DVD Burner on that page yet. Seems like they are being extremely conservative about adopting the next generation of Para-Superdrives. It's a conundrum to me. :confused: :eek:

    For whatever reason, Apple seems to not want to endorse Blu-ray nor HD-DVD yet by not offering either one. Guess they're not sure themselves which they think will be best for us in the long run or which one will win in the marketplace? I am confused about what's going on on this front. :confused:

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Caught Smoking Bong-Dad
  • Miley Caught Smoking Bong-Dad

  • res1233
    May 6, 05:05 AM
    I would like to hear what sorts of reason Apple would use to make such a decision, if believable at all. If the architecture is headed in the right direction, then it would be nice to know why. At the end of the day, the ppc to intel switch had a relatively small impact on the rest of us.

    Apple may very well have inside-knowledge of future ARM processors, just like they seem to have had with the Core series processors. If the past is any indication, and knowing what ARM CPUs are good at, they may make the switch for power efficiency, assuming their performance can be boosted to something reminiscent of a real computer. If windows will run on ARM, then that sure is some pretty sweet icing on the cake. The future will tell I guess.

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 30, 09:53 AM
    Who'd get a mobile phone on an ESPN or Disney network anyway? Free sport clips or Mickey Mouse backgrounds?



    Google is your friend.

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • srathi
    Apr 26, 04:05 PM
    Market share and product quality is not always 1:1 :rolleyes:relationship.

    You mean iPhone quality is even worse than what its 25% market share suggests??

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 22, 12:29 AM
    The iBooks got a big case revision when they moved into the Intel MacBook world, the MacBook-Pros-that-look-like-PowerBooks should, too.

    Just so long as they don't make the glossy screen standard on the MBP, like they did on the MB. I can't stand that glare ridden, reflective surface finish!

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. smoking salvia from a ong
  • smoking salvia from a ong

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 09:18 AM
    how many of those apps sell music and movies for use on portable devices?

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia
  • Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 08:21 AM
    I told Rob about the event yesterday...

    "Great, all we need is another iPod." :rolleyes:

    Sounds like he's giving you the go-ahead. Go on Gary, call his bluff.

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • itcheroni
    Apr 15, 12:38 PM
    Essentially my theory is (and it's not really mine but I've forgotten who deserves credit for it) that as tax rates drop, wealth concentrates and becomes less mobile. The free market ceases to operate because bargaining power, knowledge, and resources are all on one side, eventually causing 95% to be at the whim of the remaining 5.

    This was essentially the status quo in places like pre-revolution France. It predominated societies until the reforms of the 20th Century. It was only then that we saw incomes improve for the masses. The historical record clearly shows that higher marginal tax rates are good because they don't allow the rich to rest on their laurels while at the same time helping out the unfortunate (who are then able to more fully participate in the economy).

    If you remember the name of the economist, please let me know. There are a lot of differences in perspective I have, I can tell just from your brief description, but I would like to learn the finer details of the theory.

    Was it an economist or someone who actually understands economics? :D :p

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus #39;Caught Smoking
  • Miley Cyrus #39;Caught Smoking

  • coolwater
    Apr 9, 05:04 PM
    Depending on how you solve it, your answer is either 288 or 2.

    Nothing is missing in the equation - no math symbol is missing between 2 and (9+3), so solve it as is.

    Now, cast your vote! :)

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • marvel2
    Nov 9, 04:47 PM
    I ordered my TomTom car kit fro BLT this morning and got an email saying they will be in stock Nov 11th. Hopefully it ship then.


    Got a new email saying they wont receive them until Dec 2nd :'{

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia
  • Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia

  • tabaczka
    Sep 15, 06:18 PM
    I ordered my MBP today... the ship date isn't until the 20th? It said 24 hours on the site...

    A clue?


    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Bong Photo
  • Miley Cyrus Bong Photo

  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 03:55 PM
    Yes, the war just started and things are heating up. ...
    Maybe Microsoft will wedge their way in,...

    I absolutely expect MS to wedge their way in, they just have to come up with an adequate OS (it doesn't have to be the 'best' OS). They have tons of cash, distribution channels, developer communities, and 00's million of desktops install that they can leverage. Look at how much money they 'blew' on Bing, Zune, Xbox to gain a tiny foothold.


    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Bong smoking
  • Miley Cyrus Bong smoking

  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 10, 08:33 AM

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. 1297733414 91 Cyrus: #39;Bong
  • 1297733414 91 Cyrus: #39;Bong

  • MacRumors
    Apr 25, 08:47 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/25/steve-jobs-on-ios-location-issue-we-dont-track-anyone/)


    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • mrgstiffler
    Mar 30, 05:53 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    Everyone who used the first developer preview knew that rumor was flat wrong.

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus celebrated her
  • Miley Cyrus celebrated her

  • kalsta
    May 4, 12:10 AM
    I'm not convinced that my kids are any worse off. I grew up speaking two languages (hearing three) and using different types of measurements. I have confidence in my future children to be able to handle it like generations of Americans have before.

    A child's mind is amazingly attuned to learning language. Given the fascinating cultural and linguistic diversity in the world, I am envious. I would love to have learnt more than one language as a kid. It's so much harder to learn as an adult.

    But I am not at all envious of you having to learn two systems of measurement. That kind of cultural diversity I can do without! Sure, your kids will be able to handle it, but why should they have to? Because your generation was too stuck in its ways to embrace positive change?

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia
  • Miley Cyrus Smoking Salvia

  • ChrisA
    Apr 21, 08:45 PM
    I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!

    Replacing the desk make add 5% to the total cost of the new computer

    miley cyrus smoking salvia bong. miley cyrus smoking salvia
  • miley cyrus smoking salvia

  • kerryb
    Apr 18, 03:45 PM
    The OS, sure. Samsung made that look VERY close to iOS.

    The product design at Apple, however is just reinterpreted stuff from Dieter Rams. Products that function well start to look similar for a reason, though. If it ain't broke....


    you forgot how much that green Android looks like the old Mac OS trash can.

    May 7, 10:13 AM
    Makes sense, all Apple needs is the cloud.

    If it is indeed free, this is a welcomed change.

    Nov 23, 12:54 PM
    o.O Mactracker has no information on this. Do you have links? I would be very interested in seeing a pict of it.
    The product was called PowerCD (http://guides.macrumors.com/PowerCD).

    Sep 17, 01:45 AM
    well i just placed my order for a 15" MBP 2.0 base model w/ an iPod 60GB

    i chatted with a rep and pointed out that i have 14 days to return. i have 30 days to submit the iPod rebate (which requires a upc cut from MBP box)

    so my status shows ship date of the 19th and arrival of the 26th!

    so kinda in a pickle with dates but the 60GB will only cost me $120 in the end.

    BTW, Im a first time mac buyer even though ive used em for years at work!

    http://static.flickr.com/81/244990126_78cbf5958d.jpgYou couldn't buy the new 80GB iPod at the new lower price of only $349? Man you are buying an obsolete inferior iPod. That is plain lame short sightedness. :eek:

    If I were you I would phone back and insist on the new 80GB model for sure.

    May 6, 12:40 AM
    not happening. not in the short-term.
    the intel processor and bootcamp into windows is the Mac's door key to enterprise.

    Jan 6, 02:47 PM
    Mine didn't rattle... but the audio output was dropping out, so I had to return mine. It took ~ 3 weeks to get the replacement.

    Thanks for the info. I seem to have a bit of play in the part of the dock that rotates. Just holding the car kit in my hands there is play in this part of the mechanism so when I'm on the road its rattling all the time. You don't have this issue? Everything else seems to work so I'm hesitant to send it back as I might get one that's worse!

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