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statue of liberty stamp error

statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp las
  • statue of liberty stamp las

  • SandynJosh
    Nov 23, 03:12 PM
    Someone who worked across the aisle from me had a PowerCD connected to his Mac and it was really nice, but it was way too expensive. Then again, you could say that about any of the equipment at the time. It's become much better but the value is often not apparent to the majority of the people.

    If I remember right, when a person removed the PowerCD from its stand to listen to the music on the run it failed to give good performance. Apple forgot to include any buffer memory and skips were more the event then not. At the time, less expenisive protable CD players had such buffer memory, so it was a real dumb move on Apple's part.

    statue of liberty stamp error. stamp statue of liberty las
  • stamp statue of liberty las

  • airamerica
    Sep 11, 11:05 AM
    Consider this, the upcoming keynote is NOT given by SJ but by one of the other Apple senior team members - following his (Steve�s) below par performance last time out... Now this news would be bigger than anything else. I�d even suggest that if he shares any floor-time with anyone else things are not looking good!

    BTW I hope I am very, very, wrong and we are all talking about amazing new products by this time tomorrow.

    statue of liberty stamp error. He contacted Linn#39;s Stamp News
  • He contacted Linn#39;s Stamp News

  • nanofrog
    Apr 29, 12:02 PM
    Isn't Apple using usb connections for other hardware?
    Likely (Bluetooth). But I don't see it accounting for the other 7 ports on the ICH.

    On the PSU subject, since Transporteur confirms that there are no vents from the HDDs going into the PSU Area, the only thing that could justify moving the PSU to the bottom area of the case would be.. having the power cable closer to the ground :D lol
    If you go back to post 187 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12447547&postcount=187) (very bottom), you'll see my take on baffles. ;)

    The more recent post was based on the concept the baffle between the PCIe/HDD and PSU/ODD sections had vent slots in it (misinterpretation of a photo).

    statue of liberty stamp error. from the Statue of Liberty
  • from the Statue of Liberty

  • nbs2
    Nov 22, 02:08 PM
    Other than confusing everyone with too many options, no. <snip>

    You break my heart. Something tells me that this won't be the phone for me. I would put money on it having the one thing I don't want - a camera. I don't want it, I don't need it, and it's a pain to have one.

    Although, I was thinking that there would be just a couple of BTO options - maybe a camera and BT - not an entire gamut of BTO possabilities. I agree that too many would be expensive (and the firmware would end up too complicated).

    statue of liberty stamp error. Here#39;s a picture of the stamp:
  • Here#39;s a picture of the stamp:

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 11:39 AM
    Does anyone think that if these upcoming merom MBPs do get a new case design with with MB-like keyboard, magnetic latch, etc, there will also be an updated gpu? level 2 cache? front side bus? I'm not sure what ram speeds the merom can deal with.

    EDIT: answered my own question, thanks to eidorians sig.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 5, 10:28 AM
    My predictions:

    * general update on how stuff is going.
    * quick demo of some new development tools.
    * preview of Leopard (with DVDs available to attendees).
    * Mac Pro.


    * XServe.
    * New Cinema displays.


    * A new model Mac that slots between the iMac and Mac Pro.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • ChazUK
    Apr 18, 03:35 PM
    I'm reading that this includes the Nexus S (which has no samsung touchwiz "optimisations" at all).

    Why doesn't Apple simply go for the jugular and hit Google with an Android lawsuit?

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • aswitcher
    Aug 3, 11:22 PM
    So new iMacs in September for Paris expo...

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp mix
  • statue of liberty stamp mix

  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    This may simply be a case of unintended consequences. Apple may have a reason for collecting approximate location data based on cell towers. That reason is not yet clear. It's also not clear whether this information is uploaded to Apple. Even if it's uploaded to Apple, that doesn't mean that Apple is tracking individuals. I can't think of a compelling reason why Apple would want to track each of their millions of customers based on very approximate location data. One unintended consequence is what we're seeing now. As usual everyone jumps to a conclusion before we have any information.

    It would be great if Apple clarifies what's going on, but that's unlikely. What's likely is that this will blow over in a week or so. What will not blow over however, is the sudden tension in many relationships now that spouses and other partners have a way to tell where their significant other has been for the past 6 months. That's the other unintended consequence of this.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • kretzy
    Sep 11, 08:04 AM
    I told Rob about the event yesterday...

    "Great, all we need is another iPod." :rolleyes:
    Poor Rob. :D

    If it is something impressive I may just have to get it - seeing as I've never had an iPod (shocking, I know).

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • jesteraver
    Nov 24, 09:55 PM
    Hopefully the iPhone will a handy cell phone...

    - Mac OS X (mobile version)
    - iTunes
    - iPhoto
    - Quicktime
    - iChat
    - Safari
    - Skype (downloadable)

    - 3 - 5 megapixel camera w/auto-focus (photo taking)
    - VGA (front of phone for video conferencing ... similar too the ones found in iMac / Mac Book / Mac Book Pro)
    - Touchscreen
    - WiFi
    - Bluetooth
    - GSM / HSPDA (3.5 G)
    - 8 Gb NAND Flash
    - 3" Colour Display

    Would be nice to be able to have a Mac Book / Mac Book Pro of sorts too fit in your pocket?! Or is that just me?

    I would throw away my Nokia N80 and get that.

    One thing hopefully it be similar to a Nokia N61. If so plus with the stuff I posted, it would destroy any multimedia phone on the market. Plus would be smaller than an OQO.


    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp 2011.
  • statue of liberty stamp 2011.

  • Spoe
    Apr 20, 09:26 AM
    Not a summer update? Surprising.

    Most of September is summer (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway), you know. Just the last week and change isn't. :)

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp vegas.
  • statue of liberty stamp vegas.

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:20 AM
    This seems like an inevitable move in the convergence of iOS devices and Mac computers. They will eventually be the same thing. Powerful, robust, thin, power efficient, easy to use touch interface. Lion is moving in the direction of the iPad and iOS in general. The iPad has been gaining more Mac-like features and robust applications. I think the time tables are probably off. I don't see this happening for 4 to 5 years at the earliest.

    So basically what you are saying is that in a few years Apple will make everything an iDevice and if you want a computer that is actually a Personal Computer you will have no choice but to buy a Windows PC? Goodbye Thunderbolt. Hello Apple 30 pin connector!

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp forever. statue of liberty stamp vegas.
  • statue of liberty stamp forever. statue of liberty stamp vegas.

  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 7, 10:34 AM
    Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp forever. Statue of Liberty Stamp…
  • statue of liberty stamp forever. Statue of Liberty Stamp…

  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 11:09 PM
    If you really want longer battery life, then you should be hoping to keep the X1600. It's regarded as having the best "performance per watt" of recent mobile GPUs.

    I'd rather have a bigger battery and a Go 7700. I've not seen any decent figures for power draw on the mobile chips. The 7700 is manufactured on an 80nm process tho', so that should help some.

    Personally, I hope (well, pipe dream actually) they'll make MBP build-to-order like Mac Pro. I'd downgrade the CPU to the 2.0GHz version. It wholesales for $130 less than the 2.16, and $340 less than the 2.33. That's way too much to pay for a fractional speed increase.

    OTOH, the 2.0 Xeon is $370 less than the 2.66 and Apple only cuts the price $75 for two of them. That's robbery. So I guess MBP BTO probably wouldn't help me even if they did it.

    Bear in mind custom options effectively "cost" Apple a lot more due to requiring special attention in a way the rest of the line doesn't. More so with the laptop line due to the processor being socketted rather than soldered.

    Personally, I think the 2.33GHz part price is insane considering the small speed-bump, but that's up to Apple.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp vegas.
  • statue of liberty stamp vegas.

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 29, 07:17 PM
    thanks but i dont need this. :rolleyes:
    Then don't use it?

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp mix up
  • statue of liberty stamp mix up

  • ftaok
    Apr 7, 07:32 PM
    Don't apply the phone dynamic to Tablets. Android is not likely to take a lead in tablet market share for a long time if forever.

    It really doesn't matter what the percentages are. At some point, the growth rate for tablets will start to slow down. By then, if you aren't already working on the next big thing, you're in trouble.

    The point is that Apple is likely to be working to be working on that product already. The question is whether companies like Moto, Samsung, and HP are.

    statue of liberty stamp error. statue of liberty stamp
  • statue of liberty stamp

  • bigjnyc
    May 7, 09:33 AM
    I would be shocked... but you never know. Maybe they will offer it for free if you purchase a Mac.

    statue of liberty stamp error. stamp statue of liberty las
  • stamp statue of liberty las

  • Watabou
    Apr 23, 04:44 PM
    That is awesome. I can't wait for a Retina display Macbook Pro. Yeah!

    May 6, 08:19 AM
    I think they can pull it off. I watched as they went from Motorola 680X0, to PowerPC (which was huge) and then to Intel (hell froze over!) So this happening would not be the least bit surprising or concerning.

    The difference is that PowerPC and then Intel processors were performing far better than what else was available. There is no indication that ARM processors are set to out perform what Intel can offer. This whole thread is based on a bit of news written by someone who is known to make things up and get emotional in his reporting, the day after ARM dropped nearly 8% due to news of Intel's next technological step.

    Apr 26, 02:22 PM
    As much as I want to see Apple sell phones, I also like to see healthy competition to keep away anti-trust issues. Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)

    iPhone 3GS is available for $49 at Walmart. Your point?

    Mar 27, 12:37 AM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    For the Kindle, or for their new Appstore? Apple still has the upper hand with iTunes, and the real App Store.

    Aug 7, 05:43 PM
    Basic graphics card is kinda weak.

    need to have a midground option which is a bit better, but not as much as the ATI x1900

    also, where is the option of getting Blu-Ray Drive?

    We need high def drives. and why have to buy them elsewhere. want a full HDMI compliant system, that can interface with LCD monitors/tv's made by apple also with speakers.

    cmon apple!!!

    At the price, you could buy a new car.

    Nov 22, 07:43 AM
    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

    Agreed. Another way for Apple to proceed here is to make the phone compatible with Outlook/iTunes on windows etc etc so that it's still perfectly usable but the experience is just that much better on OSX. This will lead people into buying Macs which is always Apples aim.

    I don't see OSX on generic PC hardware any time soon. Even though I would love to see that happen in many ways.

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