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  • lucabrasi
    Mar 30, 06:04 PM
    Will this work on the 2011 mbp's?

    I sure hope so, downloading now to try but it's coming rather slowly...

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  • kalsta
    May 3, 08:57 PM
    You missed my point; it isn't progress because it's an enormous step backward. It's not the "learning something new" part, it's the "throwing away everything you already know."

    Semantics. Your argument boils down to the pain of change.

    I would see your point if switching everything to metric would actually make things more efficient, but it wouldn't. People who use Imperial units are already comfortable with it - the system already works, and isn't broken.

    Again, the real crux of your argument is that people are 'comfortable' with what they already know. If you were to put that aside and judge between the two systems objectively, I can't see how anyone would actually choose imperial over metric. Metric is the future. No, check that — it's actually the present. You're living in the past Tomorrow.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 30, 09:12 PM
    I wish I had an extra $100 laying around.. I would get into the developer program!

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 18, 05:21 PM
    Absolutely false. For instance on MArch 18, 2011 alone, the EU awarded Apple about 24 patents on icons (patentlyapple.com)
    Does not apply in the U.S.
    U.S does not recognize patents on icons.
    Those would/could be covered by copyright law.

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  • 2992
    Mar 31, 04:32 AM
    Downloading now!
    Congrats! That's almost an achievement! We all of us should know about it! :rolleyes:

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  • Bertmg
    Apr 25, 11:46 AM
    A lot of the science practices used now days an that will be used in the future starts being used for something it was not designed for,or better yet not "though of" (minoxidil was created for hypertension, not treatment of hair loss, Botox was used for treatment of facial spasms not make you look younger, The internet was created for research development by the government, and the list goes on and on). It is the nature of science and technology to evolve. Like it or not (I sure don't), just like Napster, Geo-location technology used for finding out even more information about you is here to stay one way or another.

    Man up people! how we implement the "new" use of any technology without crossing and protecting personal rights is where we should be concentrating on (promoting solutions and protection laws). It is waste time arguing (through news articles and political speeches) defending the mere existence of something that is not going anywhere.

    This is what I posted in the CNET article http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-20056540-245.html#ixzz1KYPyyi19

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 12:29 PM
    Prefrences > mobile me > iDisk ...Set iDisk syncing on and a local cache of your iDisk is created and synced automatically. Just like dropbox.

    Dude you are ********ing great. I've only been a member since Feb and this is the first i've heard about it. Thank you kindly.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 11, 09:56 AM
    Damn all this waiting :( I want one now!!!
    Pfft, I know, this really sucks. I want to have fun with it BEFORE school starts.

    The 29th seems like a good day for a Merom MacBook pro, it's more then 2 weeks pass of WWDC and 2 Weeks untill Paris.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 10, 06:56 PM

    So the government has use of your money all year, and you're OK with that?? :confused:

    Sure, everyone likes a budget surplus.

    I tend to see it as the government holding on to it for me so I don't spend it and get to then use it as disposable income. ;)

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  • ohbrilliance
    Apr 7, 04:58 PM
    As a consumer I'm hoping that the Playbook (and others) are a success, so I have a choice between viable products.

    Being glad that RIM can't get into the market is like hoping your team wins because the other didn't turn up to the match.

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  • Stelph
    Mar 30, 03:26 AM
    Hammer, meet nail head. I'm an American, and unfortunately I must agree with iliketyla's assessment. There is this incredible sense of entitlement that has pervaded American culture. So many people want at least $20 per hour, but [insert deity or lack of one here] forbid they should lift more than two pounds.

    Enter the illegal immigrants, who find the pay good enough to live on, not to mention the location, location, location. Hmm... $5 an hour harvesting lettuce heads for hours on end, or dodging drug-cartel bullets in Ciudad Juarez day and night. Not too tough a decision for me, and IMHO one worth the risk of getting caught by US border police.

    Here in the UK a couple of months ago there was quite a good program on this, where a group of Brits who were unemployed and were very vocally against immigrants "coming over here and taking our jobs" were given the chance to work alongside them in the same job to see how they would do.

    Turned out the vast majority of the Brits were very lazy and undermotivated, the work was sub-par and they gave the impression that they just felt that as they had been born in the UK they were entitled to a job rather than entitled to it because they worked hard. That being said, there were two guys who I had a lot of respect for as at the start of the program they were the same as the others, but then picked up an "anything that they can do, I can do better" mentality and totally committed themselves to the job, as it turned out they did very well and by the end they were offered jobs as they showed they were good workers

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  • Happy Easter

  • hhaydenn
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    Hold up, so it's just that easy to get in touch with Steve Jobs? What's his email address!?

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  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 02:20 PM
    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.

    You'll care when the majority of developers will jump to Android because it has more users. Why do you think most people still use Windows? Because it has more software. Once you get behind, it's tough to keep up. Look at Windows Phone 7. They have to pull really hard to get some developers to build apps for them.

    I have to say I'm impressed how Google managed to get this off the ground so fast. Microsoft is still struggling, and they have a pool of traditional .Net developers behind them to potentially build apps for their mobile platform.

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  • 0815
    Apr 18, 03:33 PM
    Does anyone know what exactly is at the center of the law suit ?

    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

    Yap, pretty much what I was thinking ....

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 04:05 PM
    If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...

    I don't understand.

    I think the update will come before Septemver 16th. If I order before the 16th I can take advantage of the free iPod. I don't care if this means order, ship in x weeks.

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  • toneloco2881
    Jul 21, 02:19 PM
    Glad I didn't decide to buy a new MBP in June! I have plans to wait until after WWDC, but I think we might see a change in processor before than. I don't see moving to a newer Intel chip as being a "big" developer issue.
    Well, when you couple the fact it's an entirely new architecture for intel, along with being 64-bit, it might tie in nicely at the developer conference. I expect Leopard to evolve into a full 64-bit OS so these chips can would make for a great entrance at WWDC...IMO.

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  • kenliles
    Apr 26, 02:35 PM
    If in fact Apple waits until September for the iPhone 5 and even then only have a speed bump and a slightly better camera, this picture is only going to get worse. They need 4G, a larger screen, a microSD slot or a bump to 64 GB, a USB input, and the rest of the MODERN hardware features that HTC phones are putting out almost monthly.


    no, they need a free phone--

    by the way how do you buy stock in Android's success? Certainly not Google...

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  • moderately
    Apr 25, 04:43 PM
    You guys do realize that a 27" iMac would have to be 4K to possess a PPI over 300 and therefore be a "Retina Display?"

    And that's when a 2K monitor (the LUM-560) is going for $66,000?

    Yeah. Have fun with your $122,000 iMac.

    "Retina Display" doesn't mean what you think it does.

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  • callmemike20
    Apr 19, 02:22 AM
    Where is this "extreme left" of which you speak? The furthest left we have in government is probably Dennis Kucinich, who is really barely left of center, AFAICT. The problem is that we have people who think compromise means " Just do what we want any nobody gets hurt." rollercoasters belong in the funpark, not the capitol.

    Please forgive me for being crass, but your math, you have to buy me a new calculator, it made my old one explode. ;)

    That 5 billion was supposed to be the total government debt, not just the debt for the current year. I just never got around to using it in my example.

    EDIT: You can also say that we don't have an extreme right since no right congressman is proposing total anarchy or privatization of the police departments. It's all relative to the country we are in. I am aware that there are further left people in other countries. There are also countries that allow the cutting off of hands for small crimes. Would we allow an idea like that in this country? I don't think so.

    Aug 7, 09:07 PM
    I want a new look....but nice specs...

    May 6, 07:10 AM

    The article doesn't mention the processor architecture, but it is really supposed to be ARM.

    And how did you go from that acquisition to "Google are running their datacenters on ARM" might I ask ?

    Not to mention my article is 2 months old, yours is more than 1 year old. ;)

    Nope, you'll have to retract your "facts". As far as we know, Google doesn't run their datacenters on ARM at all.

    Sep 11, 02:58 PM
    so I was looking around the apple store this afternoon till I noticed something :D

    When selecting the MBP in the apple store you'll get some info below...
    There's this one title where it shows front row... it says "It's showtime" :)

    maybe it's a hint from apple :rolleyes: the MBP is the onle one where it says "it's showtime". the rest all say something else like "put on a show"...

    ah well I'm just going crazy from waiting for the new MBP's...

    (first post though I've been reading here for a long time)

    Its a sign !!

    btw, my first post too, been using the forum for buing advice for about a year, as long as I've had a mac. Now sold my iBook and awaiting MEROM MBPs

    Apr 14, 08:52 PM
    So do you think the best idea is to just cut everybody equally?
    Did I suggest that? I think not. The problem we run into is that everybody starts screaming when you bring sharp objects anywhere near their precious fetish. We simply cannot employ reason and discussion until we can all agree that nobody will be pleased when we finish (even the bean counters will grumble).
    Here's an example ...

    I work at a university that is undergoing cuts. But some departments actually make the university money. Does it make sense to cut departments that generate income as much as departments that don't? At least the people in charge here understand the difference and aren't applying "across the board cuts".
    Well, and we should have government operations that do that. The more non-tax income the government can generate, the less we all will have to put into it. Perhaps we can even figure out a way to partner government with the private sector so that both can profit instead of trying to strangle each other. At which point, we will have Shangri-La on GPS.

    May 4, 08:31 PM
    1. -aggie- : Rosius WIZARD
    2. Eldiablojoe : Dante COUPLE
    3. Moyank24 : Beatrice COUPLE
    4. ucfgrad93 : Rhon ADVENTURER
    5. appleguy123 : Wilmer ADVENTURER
    6. Don't panic : Loras ADVENTURER
    7. Plutonius : Jorah ADVENTURER
    8. mscriv : ??? VILLAIN

    Loras, still with the confidence of the party behind him, declared that they would continue into the next room.

    The torch cast a soft light across the stone floor, but no features were immediately apparent. As they began to walk in, the group heard a sick sucking sound followed by a rhythmic rasping.

    "Stay close" Rosius said confidently, his eyes trying to pierce the darkness the torch would not. The group edged forward as the adventurers drew their swords with the couple bringing up the rear.

    A leg suddenly appeared at the edge of the torchlight as something scurried past. The adventurers fanned out and formed a semi-circle about the party as they prepared to meet their foe. They could hear the creature scurrying about, apparently coming from all directions. "Steady, he's just testing our defense," Rhon confidently declared.

    Then, it brushed Wilmer. He quickly did a 180 and tried to follow the shadow as it ran out of sight. Emboldened, he charged into the darkness in the direction he thought the creature went.

    "Wilmer, NO!" Loras charged forward in an attempt to cast the torchlight on his charging comrade. The group then heard the clang of steel on stone behind them punctuated by grunts and screeches. It ended with a heavy thud and a deep sigh.

    The party whirled around and hurried forward to the sound. There, they found Wilmer's lifeless body.

    "Oh god, what did it!" Beatrice was on the verge of screeching as she struggled to keep her voice from breaking. Rosius stepped forward, took the torch from Loras wordlessly, and inspected the corpse.

    He stood back up, turned and handed the torch back to Loras. The collective gaze on him asked the question for them. He was dead.

    Rhon stole the torch and charged into the darkness, leaving the remaining heroes. They saw him meet his opponent and kill it with a single swing of the sword, beheading it.

    He returned with its head and threw it at their feet, spitting on it as it stopped rolling. "Goblin."

    Wilmer (appleguy123) has died. It is now the villain's turn. All the surviving heroes have leveled up.

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