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  • Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

  • MrNomNoms
    Mar 31, 04:13 AM
    I really hope they deploy some form of full screen iTunes in this build. Would be nice to see.

    Given how iTunes straddles Windows and Mac OS X I wonder what they will be doing given that a fair chunk that iTunes relies on will have to be portable to Windows. From what I understand AV Foundation has pretty much replaced the parts that QTKit doesn't provide which leaves me wondering whether they'll throw in the towel in the case of iTunes/QuickTime in favour of moving to AV Foundation for the long run.

    I lol'd. No matter what people will complain. When Snow Leopard was released people wanted more UI changes and more features. Now when Lion is released all people want is under the hood improvements. SMH

    People are never satisfied or they confuse the terms; when people want more 'under the hood' changes and you ask what they mean by that they'll say something that seems to contradict that very idea. For example, they'll demand a Finder feature but wouldn't that feature be classified as 'visible' rather than 'under the hood'? Oh well, I read through the comments and my emotions go from excitement to rage then to indifference - the clueless commenters will remain clueless and me getting into a tizzy isn't really going to change anything in the long run so instead I sit back, chill out and listen to some music.

    Always been confused as to why the menu bar across the top is slightly transparent but window title bars are grey. Doesn't really match, but I guess I'm just knit-picking...

    Then don't have a transparent menu then (I have it disabled) - I've always seen the whole idea of a transparent menu as something that is pointless and could never quite get my head around as to why it was enabled by default in the first place.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Of course but people keep ignoring that this 'focus' on smart phones isn't something driven by Apple but something that is driven by the media; Microsoft is getting a heap of focus on its Windows Phone 7 but the lack of talk regarding Windows 8 suddenly means that Microsoft has given up on the desktop? RIM has released the PlayBook - with all the marketing buzz around the PlayBook does it suddenly mean that they've stopped caring about the BlackBerry?

    Apple has always been focusing on Mac OS X - the problem is that the lack of communication via some sort of regular videos or blogs in the case of Microsoft does with Channel 9/MSDN has led people to fill in this void with idiotic speculation by claiming that Apple has given up on the desktop. As far as I am aware there has been only one time when Mac OS X shipment was delayed with the rest being released ontime.

    As for people whining about their applications and Mac OS X 10.6 - I read through Macsurfer and it is amazing the number of idiots who complain about problems but never actually spend the time to find out that Adobe has articles explaining for example that in the case of Mac OS X 10.6 you no longer use the PDF printer but instead create PDF's through the drop down menu found in the printer dialogue or that the issue relating to fonts in 10.6.7 has nothing to do with 10.6.7 and everything to do with having to clear ones font cache then rebooting. All these problems that people point to as Apple neglecting is ignorance.

    Oh and spacemanspifff, please, use Google, the solution has already been provided - talking about ancient problems hardly bolsters your case. Yes, a solution posted 12 or so hours ago is ancient - keep up with the play.

    You (and others) are aware that "Developer Previews", when available, have always predated the Beta releases? It's not even a beta.

    Apple says they will release Lion in summer, only Dev Previews have appeared so far, and suddenly people think it plausible for Apple to release a GM build in March?

    And btw, I'm really disappointed in the reporting of the ludicrous "GM" rumour as it's pretty obviously wrong - usually MacRumors curates their news better than this.

    The summer in the US is from June to September so it can be released anywhere from June through to September. I'd say that at the earliest we'll see a GM build (or at least very much a build very-very-very close to GM) appear at June (WWDC will probably be the place where it will be shown off in all its glory) with the shipping probably August thus leaving a month to manufacture and distribute internationally plus any extra training required for staff (although staff training is probably happening right now).

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  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    I could see iAd playing a role in this decision. Apple
    pays for it through ads. Makes sense.

    It makes absolutely no sense.

    Steve Jobs said iAd was a way to have Free or low cost apps on the app store and still get the developer a little compensation.

    How does that translate into a closed cloud service like Mobileme? Apple isn't trying to be Cupertino Google here.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. How Selena and Demi Made It
  • How Selena and Demi Made It

  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 06:42 PM
    If you have a big refund, it means that you pay too much, so you are not being very good at your day to day application of math.

    Yea, I know if you receive a refund, you gave the gov't an interest free loan and all that. I was just making light of the topic.....as most people like to get an unexpected amt back vs owe..even if it isn't the smartest in terms of financial sense for them

    Also when you say American do you refer to any citizen in the American continent or just the people that was born in the United States of America.

    What do you think in the context I had written it?

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  • demi lovato selena gomez

  • Bez
    Sep 11, 11:43 AM
    A wi-fi enabled NAS-box that sits next to your TV. It will be able to play files firectly to the telly, without your computer being on.

    It will be controlled by a thing that looks just like an iPod. This wi-fi device gives you access to your media, using an iPod-like menu structure. This remote tells the NAS-box what to play. Video is not streamed wirelessly, since that requires too much bandwidth. Instead, the NAS-box is connected directly to the TV.

    But the NAS box can also stream audio, via Airport Express, to hi-fis. Multiple strreams can be supported, and additional remotes can be added to the system to enable users in different parts of the house to listen to different things.

    You computer need not be on for all this to operate. Although it is needed for management and perhaps downloading.

    I know this because I emailled Apple a year or two back to suggest it. And its such an ace idea, I am sure they listened.


    (Edited for typos)

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. Selena, Demi and Barney
  • Selena, Demi and Barney

  • pkson
    Mar 26, 10:45 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Our school district (ISD 482) just bought 1,465 iPads for its students, and I can see us getting really mad if Apple were to release a new iPad 6 mos. later.

    that's a lot of iPads!
    That'll take forever to deliver!

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • ender78
    Aug 11, 05:33 PM
    I'm definitely holding out for Merom now since it seems like it's coming within the month. Customers Christmas shopping will compare laptops across all brands and if Apple isn't sporting a Merom they're gonna lose a lot of laptop sales. And I'm willing to wait since OS X 10.5 is even more 64-bit than 10.4 is, I'd be nice to have a 64-bit processor instead of a 32-bit processor running a 64-bit OS (yes i know 10.5 will run on 32-bit processors), although the overall benefits are up to discussion.

    So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna buy the memory today (long story I have to spend within the week 200 dollars store credit at CompUSA) and put it in the Macbook when I get it, hopefully within the month.

    I'm correct in assuming that Yonah and Merom takes the EXACT same type/speed of ram right?

    As far as I know there are now only two types of RAM in the lineup. 667 DDR2 in the Mac mini, iMac, MB, MBP and FB-DIMS in the Mac Pro and Intel Xserve. A local dealer I spoke to loves this. It really makes stocking RAM much easier.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
  • Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

  • shawnce
    Aug 4, 02:22 PM
    64bit OS & software on a 64 bit processor (especially a dual core) is much better at multitasking, for one.

    64 bit has nothing to do with multitasking.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez
  • Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez

  • JAT
    Apr 20, 12:02 PM
    You're just screwing with me, right? Because this has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.
    Yes, the US is literally the entire world. There are no other countries, let alone other countries with 12-month contracts. Why, Sir, that would be inconceivable!
    I think it does. Obviously, so did others.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 12:01 PM


    1. Rosius: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    2. Dante: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    3. Beatrice: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    4. Rhon: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    5. Wilmer: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    6. Loras: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP
    7. Jorah: Level 1, 1 HP, 1 AP

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
  • Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

  • dernhelm
    Aug 11, 11:12 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    The report out of China was about companies supplying macbooks, not the one's supplying the iMacs. They said nothing about the iMac because they weren't in that model's supply chain. I would expect the iMac to updated at the same time as well. I'm also betting that the macbook pro and macbook both get core 2 duo chips, with MBP getting faster ones with 4MB L2 cache, and MB getting slower ones with lower L2 cache.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. friend, Demi Lovato. Gomez
  • friend, Demi Lovato. Gomez

  • rdrr
    Sep 15, 06:32 PM
    One other feature I would like to see in MBP would be an embedded evdo chip. That most likely won't happen but would be really nice.

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  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Cinch
    Jul 30, 10:26 AM
    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    For me it is $175 which is no big deal if you are a early adopter of tech. A more likely scenario that a lot of people here ellude to is for Cingular, T-mobile, Verizon etc. to adopt the phone, in which case we'll only have to pay for the phone. Of course expect premium price, which for a stock holder is not a bad scenario!


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  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • GFLPraxis
    Aug 7, 03:12 PM

    � $2,499 standard price of Mac Pro ($2,299 for Education)

    ��$2,124 is the lowest you can configure the Mac Pro ($1,962 for Education)

    ���To get it that low, you have to drop the processors from 2.66GHz to 2GHz and and the hard drive from 250GB to 160GB

    It's still a QUAD at $2,124. Even if it's 2 GHz, that's still utterly insane, especially when a *single* 2 GHz Woodcrest outperforms a 3.5 GHz Pentium 4 easily IIRC.

    and as a sidenote:

    � MacBook Pro & MacBook processors untouched

    � iMac untouched

    � iPod product line grows more stale by the day

    The lack of iMac updates was my greatest disappointment.

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  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 25, 09:43 AM
    It exists. There's no reason for it to exist. You can't disable it. And there are HUGE privacy implications should the file be accessed without your permission - by thieves, stalkers (or worse), advertisers, police, etc. - none of whom can access your cell company's location records, except authorities, and even then only by subpoena. Which means a judge has to agree that there's a good reason for them to need it.

    Why is the file even there in the first place?

    Ok, granted, it exists; what makes you think there's no reason for it to exist? Are you an Apple engineer? Obviously not. Should you disable it? I don't think so. Yes, there are privacy implications, but if the data is not collected by Apple and is inaccessible to anyone without physical access to the phone, then the majority of those implications are pure conjecture without any evidence to support it.

    On the other hand, by the phone having a database of cell towers and wifi hotspots, transfer of signal can be made much more efficiently by on-board software and automatic connection to known Wi-Fi locations is automatic, not forcing you to manually locate and connect every time. Among other things, this saves on battery power by eliminating the searching a phone has to do each time it loses signal as you move around. If you've done any long-distance travelling, I'm sure you can remember how your cell phone drank its battery in hours while you drove down the highway, yet after the first one or two trips along a given route, the iPhone seems to increase battery life when repeating that route. Logically speaking, the file really does improve the user experience.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 25, 12:52 PM
    But the funniest thing will be when Apple introduces iPhone and achieves a success similar to that of the iPod...fanboys will come in droves to say that phone X has "FM tuners" or phone Y has "GPS blabla", without understanding that it's not the feature set that makes a winner, but integration AND simplicity...on verra!

    p.s.: and yep...without carrier agreements, no chance for a good story...most people get new phones WITH subscriptions that reduce such cell phone prices a lot...period.

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  • selena gomez demi lovato on

  • 3N16MA
    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    My 3GS is working just fine -- I'm more than content to wait for a real refresh to the iPhone (not some garbage update that keeps the same flawed form factor re: antenna and use of a shattering glass back).

    Most people claiming they'll switch won't -- rebuying your Apps for the Android marketplace represents a non-insubstantial hidden cost to switching for many people.

    The iPhone 4 was a real refresh considering it was the first redesign in 2 years. The 3Gs was a smaller refresh than the iPhone 4 yet you still own one.

    pics of selena gomez and demi lovato on barney. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • coder12
    Mar 26, 11:05 PM
    I'm not really sure Apple cares about your school district.
    Considering that we're one of the first schools in MN to adopt the iPad as a learning tool, and that there are many other schools that are going to wait a year or so to do the same thing, Apple sure does care, they even send representatives and stuff like that from time to time, lucky for us ;)

    They might not care enough to change launch dates, but they care somewhat.

    Jesus, it's not like the iPads you bought suddenly stop working when a new model comes out.
    No, but it would cause an uproar among our faculty. I know they'll keep working, as you do too, but the other students and staff only want the newest and best. We're on a 3 year contract for iPads, and if they announce new iPads the month school starts, the complaints will never end. One year into owning them is a bit more feasible, however.

    that's a lot of iPads!
    That'll take forever to deliver!
    They start coming in next week, supposedly! :) I'm more concerned about how much time it will take to set them up, because we only have 5 technology people at our district, and after I go to college there will only be 4. Thank you economy for leaving us shorthanded :(

    that would be your fault for not reading reports
    The word report suggests it was well thought out and documented given actual sources. What you mean to say is rumor.
    Thanks :)

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  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • CalBoy
    Mar 27, 01:11 AM
    Pushing the iPhone 5, along with iOS 5, to the fall really wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact it would seem a little weird if Apple were to finally release a white iPhone 4 and then release an iPhone 5 a month or two later... even if they have constantly kept "last years" model around at a discount previously. Maybe the white iPhone will be and iPhone 5...

    The more probable result is that the white iPhone 4 will simply never be.

    By this time, Foxconn is most likely shifting production of the iPhone 4 for the $99 price point and gearing up to produce lots of iPhone 5s for the summer.

    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    Most of the iPhone's sales come from outside the United States, where GSM is the standard. Apple can't afford to lag behind other companies in those international markets so they will most likely not slip on shipping the iPhone 5 to much later than the previous models' date.

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  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • conradzoo
    Aug 3, 12:18 AM
    Leopard preview.

    Mac pro.
    Mac book pro update.
    .Mac (pro) update.
    iWeb pro.


    Mar 29, 10:27 AM
    isn't dropbox the same thing?

    More than you know - DropBox actually uses Amazon's S3 storage web service. They are a value-added provider on top much like JungleDisk. DropBox does not own the cloud themselves.

    I saw this referenced in a DropBox security FAQ/whitepaper some time back

    Nov 6, 08:42 AM
    So i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:

    Of course you need to bring a mount - you need a mount either way. When I say "carry" I don't mean I keep it in a fanny pack 24/7. I mean I bring it with me when I travel. So let's count for the slow people...

    Mount + Garmin + iPhone = 3 items
    Mount + iPhone = 2 items

    Gee - 2 is less than 3! Yay.

    Nov 4, 11:27 PM
    Jeez. You have to a moron of epic proportions to go this route for a car GPS.


    I use the TomTom app with a DLO vent mount, car charger and stereo with 3.5mm input. Total cost including the mount was about AU $100.

    I had a Navman S45 which cost $280, heavily discounted. It was stolen from my car (I'd hidden everything, but they broke in anyway :() and the TomTom/iPhone route is actually more convenient for me because:

    1. I now get voice instructions over the car speakers
    2. I don't have to worry about my GPS being stolen from my car
    3. I can navigate to anyone in my address book without having to enter an address (assuming I have it to begin with)
    4. I don't have to juggle car chargers. Dedicated GPS's don't last long without them, neither do iPhones that are pumping music for long periods :)
    5. My nav app is now with me everywhere, I don't get the "Oh man I wish I brought my Navman" problem anymore.

    Granted, I didn't pay $150+ for the cradle. But even if I did, it would still be cheaper than the S45 and does a much better job IMO. Note I have the TomTom, but any of the other two nav apps would likely be the same experience.

    Maybe it's just me, but I think the convenience far outweighs the cost. Although the fact that we Australians get raped on GPS prices probably doesn't help :)

    Nov 3, 12:21 PM
    With apologies to anyone here who bought them I feel like the dock and app are for those with more money then common sense.

    Aug 11, 11:11 AM
    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

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