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  • BRLawyer
    Aug 4, 12:19 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.

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  • shaolindave
    May 4, 03:29 PM
    two things:

    a) Does nobody read?

    From TFA:

    Granted, I think that the article is a little bit of intentional flamebait because they use wishywashy words like "preferred" to start up a discussion to ratchet up page views.... But come on, people. We all know that every time Macrumors tries to start controversy on a perceived "change" in functionality or standards, nine times out of ten there's more than one option available... '

    yes, I'm sure we all read that. it doesn't really answer any questions though.

    i have physical versions of iLife and iWork (or did, actually). my family lost our iWork disc. I still have it installed on my hard drive. I COULD buy it from the app store, but it'd cost me full price (again).

    what if I buy Lion from the app store, then my computer fails or i replace the hard drive. yes, i do have the option of buying a physical disc, but i'd have to pay full price (again).

    if they allow to app store version to be burned to disc or copied to USB drive, awesome, that'll solve the problem. however, so far this is being presented as a digital download, not an alternative means to get a physical copy.

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  • jonharris200
    Jul 21, 02:28 PM
    At this rate, I'll never buy another Mac for fear it'll be out of date tomorrow! :eek:

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  • 1 Day Real Estate Logo Design

  • bossxii
    Apr 7, 09:35 PM
    It's a shame so many people have the attitude that outsmarting and dominating a market space is a bad thing. Just as all the people who hate Apple because they make money hand over fist. I for one am happy to ANY company in the US actually thriving. Capitalism lives and thank god they have the resouces and the smarts to not just survive but to kick ass and grow. Since when do we cheer for the sports team kicking everyone's ass to make mistakes so the weaker, under talented team can catch up?? Seriously who thinks this way? I'm so sick of the tree hugging, let's all play nice and help everyone out attitude. How about the slackers get off their @$$ and do something for themselves.

    I grew thinking and still believe if I outsmart/outthink and/or out work my fellow worker I can carve a comfortable living and maybe retire well before the slackers that want the handouts and go work for whatever hourly paycheck they can get by putting forth the least amount of effort.

    I have no issues with competition, that is the driving force in many aspects of life and business, but the crying because they are doing something to secure their own future is retarded. HP, Rimm and many other companies with more than enough resources to make a move, simply never did. They clearly lacked vision and leadership to launch a tablet first, let alone realize the huge demand that could, or now can be waiting to buy such tablets.

    Sad day when people so blind by some ridiculous feeling toward a company are to blind to realize it's simply good business practices.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:49 PM
    Piggie, you're my favourite!

    You were quite concerned about how far behind Tegra 2 the iPad 2's specs were going to be and then when the tables turn in Apple's favour for specs it's, "but why, who needs this?"

    Are you trying to say that having a higher resolution wouldn't be beneficial? Especially in light of your comment about the iPad's resolution.

    Note: what "I" want, and what I think Apple's targeted consumer group want are to entirely different things.

    Myself, I see a computer as a box of bits. I really don't care what the "box" looks like, it's just a box, it's what's on screen that matters to me.
    I would NEVER EVER compromise what a computer can do to make it fit inside a pretty box, which is why I can never like an iMac as it's just fundamentally a bad design, cramming a lot inside a tight hot case just to make it look pretty.

    I don't care who makes a product, and I have no brand loyalty at all.
    I will go for the best I think I can find/afford at time of purchase based upon the criteria that matter to me.

    Case thinness, material it's made from, colour, etc are all way down on my list of importance.

    But then, Apple don't generally make anything for me due to this.
    The current iPad2 being the exception as, at the moment I'm more than happy to admit that despite the bad lockdowns Apple has applied to the iPad, it's technically the best tablet at the moment.
    I will draw back that statement a little as it can't read memory cards and lacks output ports and is lumbered with iTunes, but putting those negatives to one side, it's positives in speed and quality outweigh those points at the moment.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 10, 11:14 PM
    Wow! What kind of slow-ass lines do you people in Australia have to suffer with?

    Thats ridiculously slow. :(

    Dial-up. I can't get any form of high-speed internet because my building is so old the phone lines are dodgy, I'm renting so any sort of drilling to get cable is out and wireless broadband is either not here or too expensive.

    And I'm in the 10th largest city in the country. My parents, who live in a little country town a long way from anywhere get quite decent broadband speeds. Go figure...:confused:

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  • kskill
    Jul 29, 11:07 PM
    they guy says it's the sleekest phone he's ever seen? i wonder if it incorporates this "none-touch" interface that was posted earlier in the week for the iPod. that'd be pretty awesome.

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  • Beaverfish
    May 6, 03:46 AM
    Does anyone think that this could possibly be about having OS X running on ARM..... i.e OS X iPads etc. With the type of convergence we are seeing in Lion, it is only a matter of time before iOS and OS X become one and the same.

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  • D4F
    Apr 26, 02:24 PM
    As much as I want to see Apple sell phones, I also like to see healthy competition to keep away anti-trust issues. Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)

    Considering you take a shot at economics and try look mature/pro/high-en, it's funny you have a forum signature with your apple gear and best app. Do you realize how retarded and insecure are you just for trying to look cool with a sig like that?

    And what's wrong with K-mart shoppers in the first place? ****ing racist.

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  • r2r logo. Project: Real Estate

  • MacinDoc
    Aug 4, 12:03 AM
    Why not? They did it with the iBooks for quite some time...
    Yes, but the G3 was a more power efficient chip than the G4, while the opposite is true of the Core vs the Core2. Apple should put Core2 chips in the MacBooks ASAP, if only for the power saving. And Apple should also try to maximize the percentage of its user base that is 64 bit capable prior to the release of OS X 10.5, which should be 64 bit.

    Don't forget that when they ship, the Core2 chips will cost as much as the Core chips do now. So, if Apple doesn't upgrade the MacBooks to Core2 or drop their prices, it will start to look like it is less competitive in pricing again.

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  • mashinhead
    Aug 11, 10:06 AM
    MacBook and MacBook Pro are soldered. So no, you can't change it.

    The iMac and MacMini are socketed.

    will there be a third party company that offers these upgrades to consumers?

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  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 26, 02:13 PM
    Some will be bothered about IOS not being the most dominant. I personally don't care, I just want the best mobile OS.

    iOS is neither, at the moment. I suppose that might change with iOS 5.0. I certainly hope it does. But with it looking like Apple is phoning in the iPhone 5th gen, I suspect these numbers will be crushing a year from now.

    I suspect by that time Android will hold fully 50% marketshare.

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  • Real Estate middot; Reviews

  • 0815
    Apr 18, 03:33 PM
    Does anyone know what exactly is at the center of the law suit ?

    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

    Yap, pretty much what I was thinking ....

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 01:19 PM

    "Kill the Competition"



    Look Samsung shipped 2 million of their first tablets and they haven't all sold yet. If they had Sumsung would report that to you. The Xoom has only sold 100k in a period of time the ipad 2 has sold much more.

    Lets look to see how things shake up when the competition sells out of their current inventories before cries of unfair competition get hurled about.

    Motorola is not trying to buy the same quantities as Apple. That would be self destructive given the poor sales numbers. They buy what they hope they can sell.

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  • Schizoid
    Mar 31, 06:36 AM

    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

    I'd say at least 95% of rumours are correct 45% of the time.

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  • Rocketman
    Nov 26, 10:37 AM
    It'd be SO cool but I see it as being far too modular. You have to buy this, an airport express and iTV to get the end effect.

    I posted about the dozens of potential applications in a prior thread. I mentioned a dongle. That might help any search for the message.

    Mac Updates on Tuesday? More in September?
    9-2-06 7:55pm
    Message #16

    "iPod video.

    It's time for a screen centric ultra portable processor/storage device. an iPod and a remote control, an internet wireless device (hook your MacBook to it via cheater plug gigabit ethernet), hence a phone of sorts too. All functions in software/firmware and thus this one size fits all device can also be used for POS, Barcodes, Data collection and display in medical and scientific fields, etc. Emphasis on etc.

    Make it so."

    Apple Event September 12th? Movie Store? [Updated]
    8-31-06 7:09pm
    Message #123

    "As for the so-called video iPod, it seems to me such a device has far more uses than a mere media replayer. It could be a remote control. It could be a PDA. It could be a 3G/4G internet portal, standalone or for an external computer, such as a, gag, MacBook.

    Further, such a device is easily reprogrammable as a dictation machine, a bar code reader, a video camera, a still camera, etc, etc, etc. Some functions might need a dongle to the extent they are not implemented in Rev. 1A.


    See ST-TNG datapads."



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  • derbothaus
    Apr 28, 11:54 AM
    Wow. You brought actual stats to the table. I stand corrected on the melting bit:o

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 10:23 AM
    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'. This is very different from Apple being found guilty etc etc.

    Stella, Nothing wrong or illegal about a company securing parts. RIM, HP, and others have the resources to do the same, but they did not and Apple did. Just because one company is smarter than the others does not make it illegal.

    It does show though... I'd invest in Touch Panel makers. They are going to be expanding like crazy! Great investment opportunity!

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  • Machead III
    Sep 16, 09:44 AM
    If they don't update the MacBooks by the 25th, they've got to drop the price.

    May 7, 10:27 AM
    Huh? If they aren't making any money for it now (with relatively few people paying for the service) how would it make sense to give it away for free (with many many more people not paying for it?)

    I for one use it ALL the time. When you have more than one device (multiple macs, iphone), it's SO nice to have them sync wirelessly, immediately, and without having to login every time, on the native apps. iCal, Contacts, Safari links: I am a very frequent user of the mobileme syncing on all of these.
    Maybe as marketing? Like you said, it works well and seamlessly if you have several Apple devices. People might be thinking of buying more than one Apple product, but wondering how they can keep everything synced.
    Apple could promote Mobile Me as a "value add" and perhaps get more buyers of other devices that way?

    Mar 27, 03:34 PM
    I believe that they will announce iOS 5 next month or during WWDC. They have been late on their consistent announcements on iOS in March, probably because of the new cloud service and of course the iPad 2. We should at least expect iOS 5 developer kits to come out soon.
    There is one more point I would like to make... 2011 is the Year of the iPad 2.

    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    I find this highly implausible. There is no way that Apple is going to let the iPhone fall too far behind Android phones. Maybe the design won't change much but the iPhone will certainly be updated.


    We already know that the iPhone is going to get the A5 chip in the next iteration and have already seen covers designed for the iP5.

    Apr 10, 06:41 PM

    Also when you say American do you refer to any citizen in the American continent or just the people that was born in the United States of America.
    As a US citizen, that is a pet peeve of mine. The Americas are pretty friggin' big continents, not a country.

    Less is more, and more is less when to taxes you refer...

    If you have a big refund, it means that you pay too much, so you are not being very good at your day to day application of math.

    Either way an American receiving a big tax refund means that a lot of his (or her) money was better used by the government than what he (or she) could have done with it. Taking us back to the same subject: poor application of Math skills.:o
    To be honest, it isn't that simple. The government doesn't make it easy to even understand what the heck they're asking for on the forms.

    Apr 20, 03:21 AM
    Hopefully Apple will be sensible and call this the iPhone 4S. Which means I will wait for the real iPhone 5.

    Just realised my last post was exactly one year ago! What a coincidence.....freaky.

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